What Septic System Service Entails
In Andale, septic tanks serve residents who lack the services of centralized sewer systems. The function of a septic tank is similar to that of the local sewer system, except for the treatment and disposal processes.
Septic tanks are watertight and lie underground. All the waste from your sinks, taps, and toilets ends up in the tanks. The waste comprises solids and liquids. The heavy solids settle at the bottom in the form of sludge, while the lighter particles float on top as scum.
The remaining liquid waste (effluent), leaves the tank through a drain pipe into a drain field. Here, the waste undergoes refined treatment and eventual absorption underground. The solid waste that stays behind also needs to leave the tank at some point.
That’s why you need septic system pumping to keep the tank in usable condition. Lack of proper septic service can result in problems that may not be immediately obvious. The septic tank is prone to leaks and blockages, so checking for signs is vital while servicing it.
Here are the benefits of getting a professional septic system service:
- Minimal system failure
- No waste backups or clogs
- Protect groundwater and ecosystems
- Avoid major repair costs
While service includes regular inspection and maintenance, it exposes potential problems that may result in you needing septic tank repair services. For example, after pumping the tank, it may be easy to spot a weak spot or structural damage.
Such occurrences threaten the integrity of the tank. A leak may contaminate underground water or cause sunken pipes. Leaks can also flow in the wrong direction, threatening the thriving ecosystems around the place.
Spotting and managing these dangers early is crucial to the longevity and proper functionality of the tank. In the worst-case scenario, your septic tank may be beyond repair. You may then need to schedule septic tank installation services instead.
Septic service doesn’t end in the tank. Since septic tank pumping drains into a field, this area should stay reasonably clean. Otherwise, vegetation growth and a foul smell may develop over time.
If you don’t clear it and there’s no more room left, the solid waste will eventually back up into your system, causing more damage. Although pumping needs vary per household, a threshold of one-third of the solid matter in the tank is high enough to warrant a septic service.